Assess effort levels with just a click using Prodeology's input request feature

Empower your team to accurately estimate feature efforts with Prodeology's seamless Input Request feature. Send out requests to any team member for quick t-shirt size estimates without the need for sign-ups or membership.

No Account Needed

Your team members don't need a Prodeology account to give their input. A click on the link you send them is all it takes.

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T-Shirt Size Estimates

Use universally understood t-shirt size labeling (S, M, L, XL) to effortlessly gauge the effort needed for each feature.

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Straightforward to use

Connect your data source seamlessly and start uncovering key product metrics.

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Data-Driven Decision Making

Prodeology automatically synthesizes all the received input into easy-to-understand metrics, helping you make informed decisions.

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More features

Uncluttered Interface

The request interface is designed for clarity and quick decisions, making it easy for anyone to give their t-shirt size estimate.

Straightforward Descriptions

Add a concise, yet comprehensive description of the feature to help team members understand what’s needed for implementation.

Analytics-Driven Feature Backlog

Leverage comprehensive analytics integrated into your backlog, empowering data-informed decision making for optimal feature prioritization.

Holistic Decision-Making

Seamlessly blend qualitative and quantitative data in your analysis for richer insights and more informed product decisions.

Instant Notifications

Receive immediate updates once a team member has provided their estimate, ensuring that you can make timely decisions.

Team Alignment

Create a shared understanding of feature complexity among team members, improving communication and decision-making.

Secure Links

Each input request link is secured and uniquely generated, ensuring the integrity of the feedback you receive.

Deadline Settings

Opt for setting a deadline on the request, urging team members to prioritize their input.


Tailor the input request to suit the feature’s specific needs by including attachments, videos, or external links for added context.

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